WACA Purpose and Role
We are here to “Protect and Serve People and Pets”
WACA is dedicated to promoting professionalism and excellence in animal care, education, and enforcement while protecting animal welfare and public safety through training and support.
Our ethical perspective:
We, the members of the Washington Animal Control Association (WACA) strive for excellence, as professional men and women, dedicated to providing quality Animal Control to the citizens of our communities. As professionals, we embrace the highest principles of public service in the performance of our duties, and hold fast to the following values:
Creativity – We encourage innovation and creativity. We test new ideas, take reasonable risk, and seek adaptive solutions that respond to the needs of our communities and organizations.
Fairness – We will be impartial in our dealings with people. We will perform our duties without bias and without regard to gender, religion, sexual orientation, culture, age, or racial difference.
Quality – High performance standards define the quality of work we expect of everyone in our organization. We continually evaluate ourselves in order to constantly improve our organization. Quality is a degree of excellence we will not compromise.
Integrity – We recognize that the authority of our office is a symbol of public faith. We accept that faith as a public trust which demands that we be true to the ethics of Animal Control Service.
Cooperation – Our willingness and desire to work with others results in a common benefit to all. Cooperation creates “goodwill” in our contacts within, with other organizations, and with the public.
Respect – We shall demonstrate respect in our dealings with all people. By treating people as we would want to be treated, we earn the respect of others.
Excellence – We strive for excellence as a first class organization. Striving for excellence means consistently doing our best work, seeking to improve our organization and ourselves as individuals.
Loyalty – We are loyal to our communities, and to the organization. Loyalty to our communities is returned in the form of support from the people we serve. Organizational loyalty fosters a common purpose, effectiveness, and goal achievement.